Radian Measures
- 2
radians = 360 degrees,
radians = 180 degrees
- to convert degrees to radians, multiply degree by (
- to convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by (180/
Special Angles
- you can use the unit circle to solve
- use special angles with unit circle
Equivalent Trigonometric Expressions
Compond Angle Formula
- apply equivalent trigonometric expressions to compund angle formula
- determine exact trigonometric ratios for angles expressed as sums or differences or special angles
- treat each side independantly and transform expression on one side into exact form of the other
Trigonometric Functions Part 2
Sine, Cosine, and Tan Graphs- y=sinx and y=cosx graphs have amplitude of 1 and a period of 2
and can be transformedy=tanx has no amplitude and no maximum or minimum
- reciprocals are different from it's inverse
- csc means 1/sinx
- sec means 1/cosx
- cot means 1/tanx
Mapping Rule
- g(x) = af [k(x-d)] + c
- a represents amplitude
- d represents phase shift
- c respresents vertical translation
- max - min / 2
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